Sempervivum - Hen & Chicks

The common Hen & Chick (Sempervivum) has enjoyed a dramatic makeover in recent years. No longer are these Grandma's heirloom Hen & Chicks!

Now available in a rainbow of colors, it is possible to create a beautiful succulent garden that is winter hardy to zone 3!

Hen & Chicks are very easy to grow, provided they receive full sun and are planted in well drained soil. Wet, soggy soil will ensure a quick death for your Hen & Chicks.

Pro Tip - When you plant a new Hen & Chick in your garden, remove as much of the soil mix it was growing in as you can before planting. Most potting mixes contain a lot of peat moss, which holds water. Leaving that root ball of peat may hold too much moisture under the plant during the winter, leading to rot.

We carry over two dozen different Hen & Chicks...each beautiful and unique.