Hosta 'See no Evil'
[M] There is no foul play involved in this oddly interesting sport of 'Funky Monkey' from our friends Marco and Joyce Fransen of The Netherlands. 'See no Evil' emerges in the spring with glossy, pointed leaves of chartreuse-green edged by a wavy, yellow margin. From here on, the margin fades to cream and the leaf centers go all funky. The leaf centers behave like the parent...some develop cream veins on a green background, some turn mostly cream with darker green toward the leaf tip, and some leaf centers turn all green. The random coloring is not to every gardener's liking and becomes more dramatic with brighter light. Hosta 'See no Evil' holds its foliage on deep red petioles in an arching manner to form a mound about 20" tall and 45" across that blooms in late summer with fertile, lavender flowers on red scapes.
(M. Fransen)